JELTII, islamic Integration, english teaching, English Journal
Dr. Dias Andris Susanto, S.Pd.,M.Pd, PGRI Semarang University, (Scopus id: 58074769100) (Orchid id) WoS id: AAI-5205-2021 Publon id: 4315624 (Google scholar) (Sinta Id : 6086719) (Garuda id: 395935)
Muh. Mujtaba Mitra Zuana, Islamic Boarding Institute of KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto (Google Scholar) (Scopus ID)
Rachmawati, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Google Scholar)
Setyawan Sugeng N. A., Teacher Institute of Pamane Talino Landak Kalimantan Barat (Google Scholar)
Hendra Sudarso, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan (Google Scholar)
Rizki Ramadhan, Surabaya State University (Google Scholar)